54x54x252 inches | Metal, Acrylic Polyurethane & Yule Marble | 2021

“The simplicity of a balloon floating in the air has long been a centerpiece of festive gatherings enjoyed by both young and old alike, representing joy, imagination, community and freedom. The Peace Balloon Project is the repurposing of military fuel drop-tanks, used in wartime for long aviation ventures, reimagined as a positive symbol to spark a healthy respectful dialogue around global issues that affect us all as citizens of this world. Peace Balloon: Environment — Blue I is the second installment of this series representing our environment of air, water, earth and our overall relationship with the planet. Future installations will represent other common denominators we all share as stewards to each other and our universe.” — Wally

Proceeds from The Peace Balloon Project support the Addy Foundation, which believes the arts are an integral and necessary part of our world, supporting non-profit organizations in the state of Colorado which have programs promoting the arts through education, community and the environment.

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Flowers for a Friend